Thursday, February 19, 2009

ughhhh I need to update this...

Soooo, I'm meeting with a nutritionist in a few weeks because I couldn't handle figuring this diet out on my own. I'm also finding it hard to locate any R.D.'s who have experience with an endo-based diet, so we'll see how it goes. I owe a better update than this and I was essentially determined to not have this blog fall by the wayside like my triathlon one. Okay, so I guess here's a post because I was tagged, and I love Allison - she's awesome, so I'm giving in to her request :)

Step 1: respond and rework -- answer the questions on your own blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.

Step 2: tag - eight other un-tagged people (ok, I didn't do this)

1) What are you wearing right now?
hmmm...jeans that are medium wash, boot-cut from Old Navy...recently the zipper hasn't been staying up which means I need to make sure I wear underwear all the time (yes, this is a problem of mine), a white button down shirt with pen marks on the front, a teal tank top meant to be worn working out, l.l. bean wool socks and two silver bangles. I had a job evaluation earlier so I had to look somewhat presentable.

2) What is your biggest fear?
Allison - I completely agree with your fear of unimaginable devestation, etc. Last night I was googling things bout 2012, and although it's pretty likely it won't happen, it's also pretty hard to ignore when every other thing on The History Channel/National Geographic/Discovery is about THE END OF THE WORLD/...PREDICTED THE WORLD WILL END/MAYANS PREDICT DESTRUCTION/WORLD IN BLACKNESS/ETC.
Sometimes I get really panicky thinking about it.
In more "relate-able" fears, I immensely dislike fish and have gone so far as to stop swimming in ponds or lakes because of it. I do not like to fly, being in reallllly tall buildings because I swear I can feel them swaying, the unknown, and in, will I know I'm dying and will it hurt?

3) What is the one thing you're really nerdy about? And don't say you aren't nerdy, because let's face it... everyone is a little nerdy about at least one thing.

I really don't know that I'm nerdy about ONE thing, as opposed to just being a big nerd in general. I tend to get fixated on ideas or concepts such as being a white water rafting instructor or hiking the Appalachian trail all the way through. I really like cooking gadgets and baking and sometimes I talk to my boyfriend's turtle, whom I refer to as my step-turtle, Otis. Hmmmm...I think I'm just overall nerd.

4) Who is the last person you hugged?
Jason, probably since I don't really see anyone else up here haha

5) What websites do you visit when you go online?
ummm usually my, facebook, my umaine email account, sometimes myspace if i remember i have it, craigslist missed connections and i read some pretty heady stuff, huh?

6.) If you had a secret power, what would it be?
the uncanny ability to replicate money out of thin air!!!

7) If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I have such a long list for this:
Kenya (I want to go with you whenever you go again, Allison...haha I just invited myself!)
Costa Rica
The Caribbean
seriously, there's probably few places I wouldn't want to go.

8) If you woke up tomorrow and were a boy, what is the first thing you would do and why?
Definitely pee standing up and probably rubbing one out haha sorry, tmi??? probably because I could and never had before...why not?!

9) Has a celebrity's hair cut ever influenced your own hairstyle?
I like when Sarah Jessica Parker has short curly hair on Sex and the City, although mine is too fro-ish to ever be able to replicate.

10) What is your most embarassing moment?
OMG, what ISN'T? I feel like my whole life is one embarassing moment these days...
Hmmm recently: I was walking home from school and there's a cut-through in the park that allows traffic to go through one way. I was on the phone and all of the sudden BOOM, I'm laying on the ground, face first with my phone about 5 feet away. I had no idea what had happened for a good minute or two. Apparently one of those plastic twine things that hold bundles of newspapers together had been frozen in the ice, still intact. Essentially, my foot got stuck in it and I kept walking, catapulting me through the air, landing on my face. There was a ton of cars in traffic waiting to go through the street and I know they all saw...

11) What was the last movie you watched?
Into the Wild, even though I've seen it before, I love that movie.

12) If you had a whole day to yourself with no work, commitments, or interruptions what would you do?
I know I'd probably make a list the night before if I knew I was going to have the day to myself, but I also know I probably wouldn't follow the list and would end up logging on the couch like a whale all day.

13) If you were to win the Powerball, what would you do with the money (besides invest it)?
Ohhh man...celebrate by getting rip-roaringly drunk for a week straight, haha. Then I'd pay off all my student loans, including the ones my parents have in my name, pay back the few grand I owe Jason, pay off my friends loans/mortgages/whathaveyou, buy a car and buy my dad a motorcycle, buy a house near the ocean, donate a good portion to various charities and maybe pay Clinton and Stacey to come and tell me what not to wear. I'd also pay Ryan Gosling to come touch my boob.

14) If you could convince everyone you knew to read one book... what book would it be, and why?
Oh man, I dunno. Ummmm...maybe Anne of Green Gables? lol i have no idea, i dont think many people would like that book. Into The Wild was pretty good, so wasn't The Things They Carried. I like too many to pick just one that i know would be universally liked.

15) If you could make one scientific discovery/invention/novel idea what would it be?
ummmm...I really like the fart powered car idea, Al! I don't think I'd ever have to pay for fuel again. haha

16.) What do you think the worst outfit you've ever worn has been?

I can still recall, to this day, wearing a handmedown plaid jumper from my cousin Jami. It was in fifth grade and I was made fun of horribly. It was shades of green, red, blue and black - basically all primary colors. They were in a wear plaid pattern with pockets in the front. I actually think it may have been shorts, but anywho, I wear a red turtleneck underneath and blue tights with mary janes. It was tragic and I still am remorseful for it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Lettuce go!

Okay, so for a first entry this will probably be brief as I have SAG awards to watch and loafing around to do.
The basis of this blog is that I am a 26 year old female that has a strong aversion, fear even of most things green and leafy or red and juicy. In fact, in my 26 years I have never had a piece of watermelon, cantaloupe, apple, banana, peach, avocado, pineapple, plantain, asparagus, beet, celery, etc. You name it, I probably haven't eaten it. In fact, how did I make it this far in life without my lips touching any of those things, you ask?
Well, I guess I'm not being entirely truthful. When I was a baby and had much less control over what I was able to put in my mouth and my opposable thumbs were only good for grabbing my own feet and fistfuls of hair, I really didn't have a choice. But even according to my mum, applesauce made me gag, I did horribly with squash, and don't try to feed me most anything green. As I got older, certain things, basically fruits and veggies started effecting me in a strange way. If anything smelled or even felt weird I avoided it. I can actually vividly recall sitting at our small kitchen table one night not being allowed to leave because I hadn't finished my waxed beans. I had eaten waxed beans every other time up until that night, but for some reason, that was the time I decided I just couldn't do it anymore. The texture of the beans made me gag, in fact, from there on out most anything that wasn't pureed finely or solidly crunchy made me gag.
To this day I request my meals without lettuce and tomato. The idea of actually biting into a tomato, or an apple, grape, carrot, etc. hardcore skeeves me out. I go into automatic gag mode.
I've legit tried some things. I actually know for a fact I dislike lettuce and applesauce. I really WANT to like cottage cheese but I can't get over the lumpy-factor. I've tried, on many occasions to eat fruit on the bottom yogurt, surely much better for me then the custard style, but once I get to the chunks of fruit it is dry-heave city.

Soooooo...why am i writing this and what's the point of sharing all of my eating woes? Well, as of this past week I had laparoscopic surgery which diagnosed me with Stage IV Endometriosis. In fact, it was so bad my Dr. said she had seen less than 1% of patients with scarring of my reproductive organs as poor as mine. My fallopian tubes were all kinked, cutting down my chances of ever being able to conceive close to nil, my uterus and ovaries were attached to my bowel and the top of my bladder, and my right ovary was filled with blood along with having a cyst causing it to swell 5xs the normal size.

I am really leery about going on birth control to help with pain, which is my main symptom of this disease. I know that it it what my OBGYN is going to suggest at my post-op meeting in two weeks but I am going to suggest something different, something I am not sure will work or I will be able to stay strict with...I'm going to see how changing my diet radically can make a (hopefully positive) change to my situation.

I intend to slowly, yet surely introduce fruits and veggies back into my life. There is no legit reason for me to continue eating like this. I have to get over this un-substantiated fear of mine and LIVE like a typical 26 year old.

Endo is known to respond positively to dietary changes that include cutting out soy, dairy, wheat, meat and caffeine. It's essentially a vegan diet.

I am already red-meat free, I have been for over four years. I eat a minimal to moderate amount of chicken or turkey, sometimes pork depending. I do not eat seafood of any kind, so i feel that the meat-free part may be the easiest thing for me. The hard part of this is going to be cutting out soy consumption. Because I already don't eat most meat, it means my replacements are generally soy-based. I'm not a huge tofu person, but I LOVE tempeh and soy chicken patty things. I am going to need to find reasonable substitutes for this stuff.
I also don't really eat dairy as I'm lactose intolerant, and my milk consumption mainly comes from Rice Dream. I do like cheese but my digestive system doesn't, so again, it will be a matter of finding a comparable soy-free cheese substitute. I also don't drink soda. Because I was having hardcore stomach issues last year, i gave up all soda of any kind in April of 2008. I was soda free until Thanksgiving of 2008, and got back on the wagon on New Year's Day of this year. I haven't had a touch of soda since and I find it's relatively easy to stay away from. I also don't drink coffee, so aside from the occasional caffeine-ated tea, I should be good.

Sooooo...this is where I hope to document it all. I'm intending for it to not be as boring as this. I have a lot of tricks up the ole sleeve I intend to use (though i wonder if it works when you try to trick yourself), and I'm hoping this can turn into something great.

I'm offer to rest and eat oatmeal (it's kashi, that's good, right?) and loaf on the coach...I'm only 4 days post-op and have four incisions...I'm exercising my right not to exercise!

Until next time!!!